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Hodrick (1992) Standard Errors (Reverse Regression)¶

In the previous post, I calculate Hodrick (1992) standard error IB in a forward regression setting. This post shows how to use the reverse regression approach of Hodrick (1992) to compute standard errors which account for the overlapping nature of predictors.



1 Hodrick (1992) standard errors¶

1.1 Reverse regression approach¶

The reverse regression of the one-period-ahead return on the previous \(h\)-period sum of the predictor is given by:

hodrick1992vcov.reverse <- function(x.var , r.var.ahead, h){
  x.mat <- as.matrix(x.var)
  r.mat <- as.matrix(r.var.ahead)
  # 1. Construct demeaned returns or one-period residuals
  ee.mat <- r.mat - colMeans(r.mat) 
  # ee.mat <- as.matrix(lm(r.var~1)$residuals) # equivalent to the demeaned returns

  # 2. Construct sum of squares of predictors
  x.mat <- cbind(1, x.mat)  # add the constant
  T <- nrow(x.mat)
  K <- ncol(x.mat)
  Exx <- t(x.mat) %*% x.mat / T # compute average of square  (1/T) * (X'X)
  # Construct the reverse regressor by summing previous h-period values 
  rev.x.mat = as.matrix(frollsum(x.var, n = h, align = "right"))

  # Construct the matrix for sum of squares and standard errors
  rev.x.mat <- cbind(matrix(h,T - h +1 ,1) , rev.x.mat[h:T,])  # add the constant and get rid of NAs <- as.matrix(ee.mat[h:T,])
  b_reverse <- solve(t(rev.x.mat) %*% rev.x.mat) %*% t(rev.x.mat) %*% r.mat[h:T,]

  # Compute the matrix of sum of squares and directly the standard errors
  wk <-[,1] * rev.x.mat
  S  <- 1/nrow(wk) * t(wk) %*% wk
  vcov_hodrick <- (1 / nrow(wk)) * solve(Exx) %*% S %*% solve(Exx)
  std_hodrick <- sqrt(diag(vcov_hodrick))
  return(list(b = b_reverse, vcov_hodrick = vcov_hodrick, std_hodrick = std_hodrick, Nobs = nrow(wk)))

1.2 Forward regression approach¶

As mentioned in the previous post, the standard long-horizon predictive regression is given by:

\[ r_{t \rightarrow t+h}=\alpha+\beta \cdot x_t+\varepsilon_{t \rightarrow t+h}. \]
hodrick1992vcov.forward <- function(x.var , r.var.ahead, h){
  x.mat <- as.matrix(x.var)
  r.mat <- as.matrix(r.var.ahead)
  # 1. Construct demeaned returns or one-period residuals
  ee.mat <- r.mat - colMeans(r.mat) 
  # ee.mat <- as.matrix(lm(r.var.ahead~1)$residuals) # equivalent to the demeaned returns
  x.mat <- cbind(1, x.mat)  # add the constant
  T <- nrow(x.mat)
  K <- ncol(x.mat)
  Exx <- t(x.mat) %*% x.mat / T # compute average of square  (1/T) * (X'X)
  b <- solve(t(x.mat) %*% x.mat) %*% t(x.mat) %*% r.mat

  compute_wk_t <- function(t, h){
    wk_t <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = 1)
    XX <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = 1)
    for (i in 0:(h-1)){
      XX <- XX + x.mat[t-i,]
    wk_t <- ee.mat[t] * XX

  compute_S <- function(h){
    S <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = K)
    for (t in h:T){
      S <- S + (compute_wk_t(t,h) %*% t(compute_wk_t(t,h)))
    S <- S / T

  S <- compute_S(h)
  vcov_hodrick <- (1 / T) * solve(Exx) %*% S %*% solve(Exx)
  std_hodrick <- sqrt(diag(vcov_hodrick))
  return(list(b = b, vcov_hodrick = vcov_hodrick, std_hodrick = std_hodrick, Nobs = T))

1.3 Combine these two methods¶

hodrick1992vcov <- function(x.var , r.var.ahead, h, method = c("forward", "reverse")){

  if (method == "forward"){
    return(hodrick1992vcov.forward(x.var, r.var.ahead, h))

  if (method == "reverse"){
    return(hodrick1992vcov.reverse(x.var, r.var.ahead, h))

2 Examples¶

simulate_dt <- simulate_overlapping_data()
t x_t r_t r_t_plus_1 r_t_plus_3 r_t_plus_6 r_t_plus_12
1 1.3709584 0.0800000 -0.0344801 0.0543657 0.1392246 0.1188966
2 -0.5646982 -0.0344801 0.0088458 -0.0062542 0.1045764 0.0885166
3 0.3631284 0.0088458 0.0193802 0.0495512 0.0290402 0.1400495
4 0.6328626 0.0193802 0.0213252 0.0848590 0.1118831 0.1849328
5 0.4042683 0.0213252 0.0441536 0.1108306 0.1128342 0.1644087
6 -0.1061245 0.0441536 0.0453517 -0.0205110 0.0688945 0.1369073
h <- 6
m_ols <- lm(simulate_dt$r_t_plus_6~simulate_dt$x_t)
m_forward <- hodrick1992vcov(x.var = simulate_dt$x_t, r.var.ahead = simulate_dt$r_t_plus_1, h = h, method = "forward")
m_reverse <- hodrick1992vcov(x.var = simulate_dt$x_t, r.var.ahead = simulate_dt$r_t_plus_1, h = h, method = "reverse")
  b_ols = coef(m_ols)[[2]],
  se_ols = sqrt(diag(vcov(m_ols)))[[2]],
  se_forward = m_forward$std_hodrick[2],
  b_reverse = m_reverse$b[2,],
  se_reverse = m_reverse$std_hodrick[2]
b_ols se_ols se_forward b_reverse se_reverse
0.0027597 0.0031609 0.0033485 0.0007351 0.0033626